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1st of September, 2024

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Join Energy's forward thinkers at E-FWD inaugural exclusive event

Welcome to the first event of E-FWD — the essential and exclusive community of senior North Sea leaders driving the movement to secure, clean energy.

Featuring The Rt Hon Gordon Brown and Lord Deben

Elevate your leadership

Unlock valuable connections

Tap business critical insight

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Event Programme
Hosted by Roger Harrabin

Journalist and former BBC energy and environmental analyst
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North Sea Energy Transition: The Big Picture

Our keynote session features a speech from The Rt Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben, former UK Environment Secretary and outgoing chair of the Climate Change Committee.

With his unique perspective on policy and the inner workings of government, Lord Deben will outline where he thinks the energy transition is going, where the blockers are, and what opportunities might be being missed.

After his speech, Lord Deben will take questions from the floor in a moderated discussion with E-FWD members.

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CCUS Country Attractiveness Index Launch

CCUS offers rich opportunity to energy developers and the supply chain, in the UK and globally. As technology matures, new markets open.

This session will launch an exclusive piece of content developed by the E-FWD editorial team in conjunction with our data partner, GaffneyCline. Together, we have created an index of the top 20 countries in the world for CCUS investment.

E-FWD members will be the first to unlock the findings of this research, which includes a North Sea focus. As a Founder member, you'll discover where the UK places on the index. Join our discussion between the panel and audience on why the country shows up where it does and what the blockers and pathways to success look like.

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Founder Member Dinner

The first event will conclude with a special dinner for E-FWD members.

Preceded by drinks, members will be invited to join a special guest speaker who will speak about the direction of travel in UK energy policy and what it means for the North Sea industry.

The speaker will address the UK's path to net zero, offering unique insight on how policy has been shaped to date. The speaker will also discuss how energy policy could develop in the event of Keir Starmer winning a 2024 General Election.

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Speakers & Panellists
The RT HON Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
The RT HON Gordon Brown
The RT HON Lord Deben
Former chairman of the UK's independent Climate Change Committee and Secretary of State for the Environment
The RT HON Lord Deben
Roger Harrabin
Journalist and former BBC energy and environment analyst
Roger Harrabin
Seb Kennedy
Associate Editor, E-FWD | Founding Editor, Energy Flux News
Seb Kennedy
Beena Sharma
CEO and Co-Founder
CCU International
Beena Sharma
Alistair Macfarlane
NSTA Manager
UK Carbon Transportation and Storage
Alistair Macfarlane
Ed Reed
Energy Voice's emerging markets editor
Ed Reed
Steve Murphy
Chief Commercial Officer at Storegga
Steve Murphy

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The Agenda
Arrive at Aberdeen Journals Office, Marischal Square, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1BL
Welcome to the North Sea Energy Transition: The Big Picture
Audience Q&A
Networking and refreshments
CCUS Country Attractiveness Index Presentation
Panel discussion and audience Q&A
Walk to The Art Gallery, Schoolhill, Aberdeen. AB10 1FQ
Seated for Founder Members Dinner
Welcome by Owen Wyatt, Chief Growth Officer at DC Thomson
The Rt Hon Gordon Brown
Dinner served
Event concludes