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5th of March, 2024

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Aberdeen Journals Office

Register for North Sea 2

Founder Members exclusive invitation: join us on Tuesday, 5th of March.
  • 1.

    Targeted Workshops

  • 2.

    Focus on Outcomes

  • 3.

    Valuable Connectivity

Member feedback shapes the delivery of E-FWD events. From content, to format, to outcomes, we listen to your priorities. That's why, on Tuesday 5th of March, 2024, we tackled North Sea 2.

Three workshops were offered. Members explored solutions to immediate challenges, including:
Jobs and skills development


Offshore wind optimisation

This E-FWD gathering will take place in the Aberdeen Journals Office, located in central Aberdeen. Topics will be debated in breakout groups, before all members reconvene for a feedback session and networking.
Members say they want E-FWD to use its connectivity to aid their business transition to cleaner energy.

That's exactly what this event enabled. The outcomes and topics of these workshops will now provide possible solutions that inform an E-FWD whitepaper on North Sea 2.

Elevate your leadership

Unlock valuable connections

Tap business critical insight

Ready to drive progress? Check out the sizzle from our last event.


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North Sea 2
Founder Members, please select your preferred workshop below.

Each workshop will be led and moderated by your peers, fellow E-FWD members.

The sessions will all be outcome-based, ensuring your time is well spent.

You'll leave with actionable takeaways that can help shape C-suite strategy.

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Workshop Group 1

Jobs and Skills Development

Moderated by Peter Tipler, Managing Director of X-Academy .
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Workshop Group 2


Moderated by Phil Milton, CEO, Well-Safe Solutions .
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Workshop Group 3

Offshore Wind Optimisation

Moderated by Andrew Macdonald, Director of Offshore Wind Development

and Andy Overton, Head of Business Development,
ORE Catapult

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Event Programme
Arrival & networking
Workshops commence
Workshop outcomes presented
Policy Session
Event concludes